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About our Un-Dissertation site: Creating new brain habits to get the dissertation done

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The UnDissertation Blog

A collection of tips and tools for starting, creating, and finishing your dissertation or other mega-projects.

“What does coaching dissertation completion have to do with an evolving brain?”, you may be thinking.  It’s what I would call “brain-based coaching”. Working on any large important project demands the best from our brain - in how we talk to ourselves, how we approach our tasks, the strategies we use, etc. etc. It’s the perfect place for “no-equipment brain training”. So let’s get started changing your brain for more optimal performance…



MindSets: An Introduction

This introduction is based on the book listed in the Resources for the UnDissertation Group by Carol Dweck. From Chapter 2. Fixed vs Growth MindSets Your Brain Shows the Difference The permanence mindset can actually create a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you think that what you are now is all you can be, you limit yourself from becoming even more. And these mindsets aren’t just concepts. They are reflected in the activity of your brain…

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Tips and Tricks: Finding Missing Webpages

Here’s a practical suggestion to get us started… Questia is an on-line library that publishes an email newsletter. In their most recent edition, they share information about what to do when you try to go back to a website and find it’s disappeared! (Don’t you hate that?) Here’s a section of their newsletter article:

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Welcome to the UnDissertation!


 I thought I would start a bit of a blog to share general information about the concepts and strategies of taking an approach beyond the usual strategies to doing the dissertation (or any other huge, vitally important, and at least somewhat intimidating project). A lot of work.

 This blog is a supplement to UnDissertation Group materials and is not private, as is the UnDissertation Discussion group on the same website. (If you’re reading this and can’t see that the Discussion Group exists, it’s ‘cause you’re not a member of the group. If you’re curious, contact me using the Contact Form on the website ;-).

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