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The Hidden Positive Side of Pride

This is an article from the UK Centre for Applied Positive Psychology newsletter.

I like it because so often we are taught that others will feel worse if we are mkaing progress when they’re not or that they will be “jealous” of us if we don’t play down our accomplishments or that “misery loves company”.

But here’s another way we can support each other — and it feels good too ;-)

Most of us were raised not to brag about our achievements. Feeling good about a personal win, though, is certainly a different matter than putting yourself on a pedestal. It turns out that sharing the good news of a personal achievement or good fortune carries a number of benefits.

According to research by Shelly Gable, telling other people about positive events not only raises your happiness and satisfaction but also has a tendency to bring people closer together! Gable found that sharing positives with a close relationship - and being responded to constructively - increases intimacy. Rather than pride coming before the fall, these findings suggest that healthy doses of the emotion lead to more social engagement.

Try this out in your own life by sharing a recent good fortune with a spouse or close colleague. Pay particular attention to how they react, and let these insights help determine whether you would like to spend your time at the water cooler complaining…. or sharing!

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